nedjelja, 22. studenoga 2020.
Muka i Raspeće Isusa iz Liječničke Perspektive///+
Muka i Raspeće Isusa iz Liječničke Perspektive///+Što je točno, gledajući sa medicinske strane, proživljavalo tijelo Isusa tijekom muke u Getsemanskom vrtu, tijekom bičevanja, stavljanja trnove krune, pada pod Križem, pribijanjem na Križ objašnjava dr. David Acuna, ugledni kirurg iz SAD-a. "Krist je Božji Sin i mogao je preživjeti sve. Odabrao se očitovati kao čovjek u tome vremenu. Sam je sebi dopustio da umre. Budući da je bio čovjek u tome vremenskom periodu, nije mogao preživjeti taj niz ozljeda. To nije moguće. No On je odlučio umrijeti za naše grijehe. Budući da je ograničio sama sebe i ostao čovjekom, umro je." Na pitanje što muka Isusa Krista znači za njega, kroz suze je odgovorio: "Shvatio sam da cijenu koju je On platio, ja nikad ne bih bio voljan platiti. Za nikoga, vjerojatno. Čak mi je teško pjevati pjesme koje govore o Križu. Čak i u slavljenju. Jer zaista razumijem što je On platio. Cijenu koju je platio." Što muka Isusa Krista znači za tebe?
Zelim Da Izvrsim Ljudima Ljepotu Poezije i Glazbe,Da Se Ljudi Oduseve,Da Izbace Stereotipe i Predrasude O Zivotu-Da Vjeruju U Boga!!!I budu Sto Bolji Ljudi!!
subota, 14. studenoga 2020.
Vlč Zlatko Sudac O Sotoni,Zlu,Grijehu///+
Vlč Zlatko Sudac O Sotoni,Zlu,Grijehu///+Zlatko Sudac (Rijeka, 24. siječnja 1971.), hrvatski katolički svećenik, karizmatik, poznat po stigmama. Postao je poznat nakon stigmi na čelu i na još nekim mjestima. Održavao je seminare duhovne obnove u pastoralnom centru "Betanija", u mjestu Ćunski na Lošinju, i ponekad u inozemstvu. Zaređen je1998. godine. Zareditelj mu je bio tadašnj krčki biskup, a sadašnji zagrebački nadbiskup kardinal Josip Bozanić. Krčki biskup mons. Valter Župan započeo je u jesen 2009. godine likvidaciju Doma za duhovne susrete "Betanija", a biskupi su se dogovorili da nitko neće dopustiti Sudčeve seminare. U razdoblju od 2000. do rujna 2009. godine u tom centru je održano 240 seminara duhovne obnove s oko 31.000 polaznika. Uz svoj svećenički poziv bavi se i slikanjem religijskih motiva, kiparstvom, glazbom i pisanjem knjiga. Dosad je objavio četiri naslova.
Zelim Da Izvrsim Ljudima Ljepotu Poezije i Glazbe,Da Se Ljudi Oduseve,Da Izbace Stereotipe i Predrasude O Zivotu-Da Vjeruju U Boga!!!I budu Sto Bolji Ljudi!!
nedjelja, 1. studenoga 2020.
Deep Purple In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra 1999///+ladis...
Deep Purple In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra 1999///+ladislav zivanovic//+In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra///+In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra (also cited as In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Paul Mann) is a live album and DVD by the British hard rock Deep Purple, recorded on 25–26 September 1999 at the Royal Albert Hall in London with the London Symphony Orchestra, and released on 8 February 2000 on Eagle Records.The album was a project started in 1999 by keyboardist Jon Lord, who sought to recreate the band's innovative 1969 album, Concerto for Group and Orchestra, of which the original score was lost. With the help of Marco de Goeij, a fan who was also a musicologist and composer, the two painstakingly recreated the lost score, and Lord elected to have the band perform it once more at the Royal Albert Hall, but this time with the London Symphony Orchestra rather than the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, and with Paul Mann as conductor rather than Malcolm Arnold. The concert also featured songs from each member's solo careers, as well as a short Deep Purple set, and guest musicians such as Ronnie James Dio, the Steve Morse Band, and Sam Brown. In early 2001, two similar concerts were also performed in Tokyo, and were released as part of the Soundboard Series box set.Single disc version
Released in 1999.
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Mov. 1" – 17:03
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Mov. 2" – 19:43
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Mov. 3" – 13:28
"Wring That Neck" – 4:38
"Pictures of Home" – 9:56
"Smoke on the Water" – 6:43
"Pictured Within"
"Wait a While"
"Sitting in a Dream"
"Love Is All"
"Wring That Neck"
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Movement I"
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Movement II"
"Concerto for Group and Orchestra, Movement III"
"Ted the Mechanic"
"Watching the Sky"
"Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming"
"Pictures of Home"
"Smoke on the Water"
Deep Purple
Ian Gillan - vocals
Steve Morse - guitar
Jon Lord - keyboards
Roger Glover - bass
Ian Paice - drums
The London Symphony Orchestra
Paul Mann - conductor
Additional musicians
Ronnie James Dio - lead vocals on "Sitting in a Dream", "Love Is All"
Aitch McRobbie, Margo Buchanan, Pete Brown - backing vocals
Mario Argandoña [es] - vocals, percussion
Sam Brown - backing vocals, lead vocals on "Wait a While"
Miller Anderson - lead vocals on "Pictured Within"
Graham Preskett - violin on "Love Is All"
Steve Morris - guitar on "That's Why God Is Singing the Blues"
Eddie Hardin - piano on "Love Is All"
Annie Whitehead - trombone
Paul Spong - trumpet, flugelhorn
Roddy Lorime - trumpet, flugelhorn
Simon C. Clarke - baritone, alto sax, flute
Tim Sanders - tenor sax, soprano sax
Dave LaRue - bass
Van Romaine - drums
Recorded with The Manor Mobile
Shaun Defeo, Will Shapland - engineers, mixing at Real World Studios, Box, Wiltshire, England
Alex Goodison - assistant engineer///+///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!
Zelim Da Izvrsim Ljudima Ljepotu Poezije i Glazbe,Da Se Ljudi Oduseve,Da Izbace Stereotipe i Predrasude O Zivotu-Da Vjeruju U Boga!!!I budu Sto Bolji Ljudi!!
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