srijeda, 30. rujna 2020.

Jon Anderson and Todmobile Full Concert///+ladislav&zivanovic/+

Jon Anderson and Todmobile Full Concert///+Track list///+00:01 (Jon and Todmobile) Awaken

17:58 (J + T) Roundabout
26:50 (J + T) State of Independence
32:38 (J + T) Heart of the Sunrise
43:40 (Todmobile) Pöddulagið
48:38 (T) Lommér að sjá
54:28 (T) Eldlagið
59:24 (T) Hér Og Nú
1:04:00 (T) Hafmey
1:07:38 (T) Stopp
1:11:00 (T) Brúðkaupslagið
1:15:52 (Jon and Todmobile) Owner of a Lonely Heart
1:22:28 (Todmobile) Voodooman///+Jon Anderson nesumnjivo je jedan od najprepoznatljivijih glasova u progresivnom rocku kao vodeći vokal i kreativna snaga iza Da. Anderson je bio autor i glavni kreativni utjecaj na revolucionarni album Fragile, kao i na niz epskih, složenih djela poput "Awaken", "Gates of Delirium" i posebno "Close to the Edge" koji su bili središnji za uspjeh benda. Uz to, Anderson je koautor najvećih hitova grupe, uključujući "Seeed All Good People", "Roundabout" i "Owner Of A Lonely Heart".Jon Anderson is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable voices in progressive rock as the lead vocalist and creative force behind Yes. Anderson was the author and a major creative influence behind the ground-breaking album Fragile as well as the series of epic, complex pieces such as “Awaken”, “Gates of Delirium” and especially “Close to the Edge” which were central to the band’s success. Additionally, Anderson co-authored the group’s biggest hits, including “I’ve Seen All Good People”, “Roundabout”, and “Owner Of A Lonely Heart”Never to stand still musically, he is getting ready to release an album he started 28 years ago through Blue Élan Records. The album’s title, 1,000 Hands is a reference to the fact that numerous guest musicians perform on the album, including Ian Anderson, Billy Cobham, Jean-Luc Ponty, Steve Morse, Chick Corea, Zap Mama, Chris Squire, Alan White, Steve Howe and many more. This album, produced by his friend Michael Franklin, really speaks to the power of a musical life still in the throes of a fervent artistic endeavor, always wanting new experiences in music, always wanting to surprise the listener. The album comes out on July 31, 2020 and will be offered on deluxe double gatefold vinyl, CD, and through all digital platforms.

If you asked Jon, he would say that he loves the adventure in making music, as evidenced in 50 years of success in the music business, working not only with many variations of Yes, but also with very successful collaborations with Vangelis and Kitaro, and more recently with Roine Stolt and Jean-Luc Ponty. His collaboration with Vangelis produced a number of hit records, including Friends of Mr Cairo which was groundbreaking in its use of narrative voiceover, creating a phenomenon that was copied by many artists and producers, most notably Michael Jackson and Quincy Jones with “Thriller”. As Jon would say, “We all copy each-others musical dreams, it’s the cross-pollenization of music that keeps the world spinning around”.

In the mid 70’s he created a pure solo album, in every sense of the word: performing all the music, playing every instrument, writing a storyline, and of course singing all the vocals in the critically acclaimed Olias of Sunhillow… a milestone in recording and adventurous creativity. You only need to look at his output of solo albums over the years to see how inventive his life in music has been, from Animation to Song of Seven, Three Ships to Toltec, City of Angels to The More You Know, to name just a few. All of these albums marked his own progression and adventure through music…leading up to 2009 following his near death, the release of the life affirming album Survival and Other Stories..By ladislav zivanovic'///+//+///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!

utorak, 29. rujna 2020.

Deep Purple Live at Montreux+2011 ///+ladislav zivanovic///+

Deep Purple Live at Montreux 2011///Live at Montreux 2011+ladislav zivanovic///+Live at Montreux 2011 is a live release by English hard rock band Deep Purple's mk VIII lineup credited as Deep Purple with Orchestra, and performed alongside the Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt conducted by Stephen Bentley-Klein. This concert was recorded at the Montreux Jazz Festival on 16 July 2011. Besides a 2CD release, the concert film has also been released on DVD and Blu-ray. All formats were released on 7 November 2011 by German label Eagle Rock Entertainment. In 2015 a vinyl collector's edition of the album was released for a Record Store Day.///+Track list///+Track listing

All songs written by Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord, and Ian Paice except where noted.

2CD track listing
Disc 1
"Deep Purple Overture" (Stephen Bentley-Klein, Jack Bruce, Pete Brown, Eric Clapton, Blackmore, Gillan, Glover, Lord, Paice) –
"Highway Star" –
"Hard Lovin' Man" –
"Maybe I'm a Leo" –
"Strange Kind of Woman" –
"Rapture of the Deep" (Gillan, Steve Morse, Roger Glover, Don Airey, Paice) –
"Woman from Tokyo" –
"Contact Lost" (Morse) –
"When a Blind Man Cries" –
"The Well Dressed Guitar" (Morse) –
Disc 2
"Knocking at Your Back Door" (Blackmore, Gillan, Glover) –
"Lazy" –
"No One Came" –
"Keyboards Solo" (Airey) –
"Perfect Strangers" (Gillan, Blackmore, Glover) –
"Space Truckin'" –
"Smoke on the Water" –
"Green Onions" (Steve Cropper, Al Jackson, Lewie Steinberg, Booker T. Jones)/Hush (Joe South)/Bass solo" (Glover) –
"Black Night" –
DVD/Blu Ray
"Deep Purple Overture/Highway Star"
"Hard Lovin' Man"
"Maybe I'm a Leo"
"Strange Kind of Woman"
"Rapture of the Deep"
"Woman from Tokyo"
"Contact Lost"
"When a Blind Man Cries"
"The Well-Dressed Guitar"
"Knocking at Your Back Door"
"No One Came"
"Don Airey Keyboard Solo"
"Perfect Strangers"
"Space Truckin’"
"Smoke on the Water"
"Hush" (South)
"Black Night"
Bonus Feature
Interview with Deep Purple///+Deep Purple
Ian Gillan - vocals, harmonica
Steve Morse - guitar, backing vocals on "Hush"
Roger Glover - bass
Ian Paice - drums
Don Airey - keyboards

Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt
Stephen Bentley-Klein - conductor///+Live sound mixed and recorded by David Richards at Mountain Studios, in Le Voyageur I
Audio mixed by Julie Gardner at Jam Studios, London
Audio mastered by Mazen Murad at Metropolitan Studios, London///+Deep Purple je bend koji je uvijek evoluirao, uvijek se kretao u skladu s vremenom i nekako, kroz nebrojene kadrovske promjene, uvijek je došao sa sjajnim materijalom za zabavu i oduševljenje. Ovaj DVD je pravo bogatstvo. Volio sam Deep Purple IN ROCK, a ova izvedba seže do tih pjesama, zajedno s FIREBALL-om. Pjesme uz koje sam odrastao i na kraju ih otkrio, iznova i iznova puštajući njihove originalne albume. Natjeravanje mojih prijatelja da slušaju, jer su u Americi imali vrlo malo ekrana. To je prije nego što je "DIM NA VODI" postao čudovišni hit.Ovaj set Deep Purple izmišljen je iz orkestra kojim ravna Stephen BK Bentley-Klein i tu je da poboljša pjesme, ali ne i da svira bilo koji klasični komad, što ovo čini simfonijskim remek-djelom. Samo pričekajte dok s orkestrom poslušate HIGHWAY STAR! WOW !! Ovo je posao ljubavi. Sve uključene strane zaista su predane iznošenju najboljeg iz svake pjesme, za naše zadovoljstvo. Volio bih da sam bio tamo !! Ako ste fan, nećete biti razočarani. Ako niste ljubitelj, postat ćete jednom kada probate ovaj sjajni koncert. Kao obožavatelja ovu sam ocijenio među njihove najbolje. Prava poslastica. Pogotovo ako ste upoznati s pjesmama. Intervjui sa svakim članom benda vrijede cijene samo DVD-a, samo je onaj Gillan bio fantastičan.It’s an excellent performance. The orchestra brings a very real energy to the music. The sound is good and, for the most part, the camera work and editing are well done. For some of the old timers rockers you may remember that during the early 70’s Deep Purple had already done one album with an orchestra – Jon Lord’s Concerto for Group and Orchestra. That was more of a concept album; I never thought they’d do another one. If someone back then had predicted that in forty years Deep Purple would be performing classic tracks like Space Trucking, Lazy and Smoke On The Water with an orchestra backing them, I would have thought that person was insane. Recommended for Purple fans worldwide!!!///+///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if DVD...society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!Ova retro recenzija pomalo je posveta legendarnom Jonu Lordu koji je nedavno preminuo, jer svi znamo da je godinama bio zamršeni član Deep Purplea, a dok čujete ove klasične pjesme, ne zaboravimo presudnu ulogu koju je Jon odigrao na njima .By,ladislav zivanovic+

Deep Purple Royal Philarmonic Orchestra 1969 Full Concert///+ladislav zi...

Deep Purple Royal Philarmonic Orchestra 1969 Full Concert///+ladislav zivanovic+

Deep Purple In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra 1999///+ladis...

Deep Purple In Concert with The London Symphony Orchestra 1999///+ladislav zivanovic//+

Phil McHugh Saviour 1974 Full Album///+ladislav zivanovic/+

Phil McHugh Saviour 1974 Full Album///+ladislav zivanovic/+

Tomislav Ivančić Samo Rijetki Znaju Moliti///+

Tomislav Ivančić Samo Rijetki Znaju Moliti///+TOMISLAV IVANČIĆ rođen je u Davoru 1938. godine. Nakon filozofskog i teološkog studija u Zagrebu i Rimu zaređen je 1966. godine za svećenika zagrebačke nadbiskupije. Postigavši magisterij iz filozofije i doktorat iz teologije na papinskom sveučilištu Gregoriana u Rimu, vraća se 1971. godine u Zagreb gdje postaje profesor Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Pročelnik je katedre fundamentalne teologije, bio je jedan od urednika Bogoslovske smotre, član je uredništava i suradnik brojnih tuzemnih i inozemnih teoloških časopisa, te član Društva hrvatskih književnih prevoditelja. Od 1983. godine kanonik je zagrebačkog Prvostolnog kaptola.

Područja njegovog znanstvenog rada su filozofija, teologija i književnost. On istražuje odnos filozofije i teologije, vjere i znanosti, ateizma i religioznosti, objave i vjere, Crkve i crkvenih zajednica, kršćanstva i religija, fenomen sekti i pitanja teološke epistemologije. Osobito područje njegova zanimanja je istraživanje čovjekove egzistencijalno-duhovne dimenzije, gdje otkriva način suvremene evangelizacije te nužnost razvoja duhovne medicine, koja je uz somatsku i psihičku nezaobilazna u cjelovitom liječenju čovjeka, a osobito u liječenju duhovnih bolesti i ovisnosti. U tu svrhu razvio je metodu hagioterapije i osnovao 1990. godine u Zagrebu Centar za duhovnu pomoć čiji je predstojnik.
Od 1971. godine uz rad na fakultetu bio je studentski vjeroučitelj u Zagrebu, inicijator molitvenog pokreta unutar Crkve u Hrvata, osnivač vjerničkog društva pod imenom Zajednica Molitva i Riječ (MiR), te voditelj brojnih seminara za duhovnu obnovu i evangelizaciju kod nas i u inozemstvu. U posljednjem desetljeću školuje kod nas i u inozemstvu djelatnike za rad u centrima za duhovnu pomoć i za vođenje seminara za evangelizaciju. Njegovi znanstveni i stručni članci izlaze u domaćim i inozemnim časopisima, a brojne knjige su prevedene na njemački, talijanski, francuski, engleski, korejski, nizozemski, mađarski, slovački, albanski, slovenski i srpski jezik. Od 1998. do 2001. godine bio je dekan Katoličkog bogoslovnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. U rujnu 2001. izabran je za rektora Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Papa Ivan Pavao II. izabrao ga je 9. veljače 2004. godine za člana Međunarodne teološke komisije, kojoj je predsjedavao pročelnik Kongregacije za nauk vjere, Joseph kardinal Ratzinger, papa Benedikt XVI., koji ga je ponovno – u ožujku 2009. godine – imenovao članom Komisije na još jedan petogodišnji mandat. Godine 2010. imenovan je papinskim kapelanom s titulom monsignor.

Rajko Bundalo Bog Ljubi Narod Svoj///+

Rajko Bundalo Bog Ljubi Narod Svoj///+Rođen 1949. godine u selu Hašani, BiH. Gimnaziju je završio u Banjoj Luci. Diplomirao na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Od 1972. godine stalni je član ansambla Zagrebačkog kazališta mladih. Dobitnik je nagrade Udruženja dramskih umjetnika za najbolju mušku glavnu ulogu u Hrvatskoj (Vladoje Sabljak,u Orgijama monaha, Janka Polića Kamova u režiji Božidara Violića). Nastupao na festivalima: Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Splitsko ljeto, šibenski Festival djeteta, Male i eksperimentalne scene u Sarajevu, Sterijino pozorje u Novom Sadu, na riječkom i vinkovačkom festivalu. Gostovao s matičnom kućom po Hrvatskoj, u Sloveniji, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Rusiji, Kolumbiji i Venezueli. Igrao u TV serijama (U registraturi, Jelenko…), televizijskim filmovima i dramama (Prijatelji, Oko, Debeli lad…). Snimao na radiju poeziju i brojne radio-drame. Igrao u filmu Je li jasno, prijatelju? i Olujni jahači (francuski film).

Osim glumačke karijere, razvio je i bogatu duhovnu aktivnost vodeći više od 400 radio-emisija duhovne tematike na Radio Velika Gorica. Kao autor knjiga vjerske i duhovne tematike tiskao je i sedam vlastitih knjiga.

Tomislav Ivančić Strašno Je Vječito Moliti A Nekad Ne Dobivat///

Tomislav Ivančić Strašno Je Vječito Moliti A Nekad Ne Dobivat///+

ponedjeljak, 28. rujna 2020.

Gregorian Live Full Concert///+Gregorian je njemačka glazbena grupa, pod vodstvom Franka Petersona. Inspirirani gregorijanskim napjevom izvode obrade suvremenih pop i rock pjesama. Zbog pomiješanosti vokalnih i instrumentalnih dionica pjesme, obrade ne pripadaju gregorijanskom napjevu.Gregorian is a German band headed by Frank Peterson that performs Gregorian chant-inspired versions of modern pop and rock songs. The band features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment. They competed in Unser Lied für Stockholm the German national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 with the song "Masters of Chant". They placed 5th in the first round of the public voting, missing the top 3. They gained 9.06% of the public vote.Povijest
1991. pod utjecajem projekta Enigma snimili su prvi album većinom pop sadržaja. Peterson 1998. ponovno okuplja Gregorian i snimaju novi album Masters of Chant u gregorijanskom stilu. Strogim kriterijem odabiru pjesme, a jedan od tih kriterija je da svaka pjesma mora biti prevedena u 7-tonsku skalu. 12 vokalista izvode pjesmu. Svaki od albuma je prvo snimljen u Nemo Studiosu, Petersonov studio u Hamburgu, potom vokalisti snimaju svoje dionice u crkvi, izbjegavajući pritom hladnu i tehničku studijsku atmosferu.Obrade pjesama su se iskazale kao uspješne, tako što je skupina snimila idućih 4 albuma Masters of Chant u istom stilu. Njihov 2004. album: The Dark Side, malo je drugačiji od ostalih, preferirajući malo tamniju atmosferu na albumu.2005., The Masterpieces, kompilacijski album zajedno sa DVD-om je izdan///+Nastupi u Hrvatskoj///+U sklopu turneje Masters of Chant Chapter VII: 9. prosinca 2009. - Zagreb (Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog) 1. kolovoza 2010. - Dubrovnik (otok Lokrum) 3. kolovoza 2010. - Pula (Pulska arena) 5. kolovoza 2010. - Zadar (ispred crkve Sv. Donata) U sklopu turneje The Dark Side of the Chant Tour 2011: 8. ožujka 2011. - Split (Športski centar Gripe) 9. ožujka 2011. - Zagreb (Košarkaški centar Dražen Petrović)U sklopu velike božićne turneje (2011.): 19. prosinca 2011. - Zagreb (Satiričko kazalište Kerempuh) 20. prosinca 2011. - Pula (Istarsko narodno kazalište) 23. prosinca 2011. - Opatija (Grand Hotel Kvarner - Kristalna dvorana) 21. prosinca 2017. - Zagreb (Arena Zagreb)//+*//Diskografija 1991: Sadisfaction 2000: Masters of Chant 2001: Masters of Chant Chapter II 2002: Masters of Chant Chapter III 2003: Masters of Chant Chapter IV 2004: Gregorian - The Dark Side 2005: The Masterpieces (Best Of CD+Live DVD) 2005: The Masterpieces Jewel Case! (Live DVD+Best Of CD) 2006: Masters of Chant Chapter V 2006: Christmas Chants 2007: Masters of Chant Chapter VI 2008: Christmas Chants & Visions (CD + DVD iz Berlina) 2009: Masters of Chant Chapter VII 2010: Dark Side of the Chant 2011: Best Of 1990-2010 2012: Epic Chants+//+///+I have no copyright or copyright for this D.V.D.Album, unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!/+

subota, 26. rujna 2020.

Melanie Candles in the Rain Whole Album///+

SA MOG KANALA NA YOU TUBE+UGODANVIKEND+BOZIJI BLAGOSLOV NA NAS!!!Melanie Candles in the Rain Whole Album///+Melanie Ballroom Streets Record One Side 1..///+Artist Biography by Bruce Eder//+Daljnje čitanje

Niti jedan talent koji je izašao iz Woodstocka i koji je nastavio aktivno nastupati više od četvrt stoljeća kasnije nije ostao usko povezan sa šezdesetima i "cvjetnom moći" od Melanie. Rođena Melanie Safka u Astoriji u Queensu 1947. godine, prvi put se javno pojavila u dobi od četiri godine u radijskoj emisiji, kasnije studirajući na njujorškoj Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti. Nakon što je započela pjevačku karijeru dok je studirala, kasnije je pjevala u klubovima u Greenwich Villageu, a s izdavačkim ugovorom potpisala je 1967. Iste je godine za Columbia Records snimila svoj prvi singl "Beautiful People". Njezina veza sa diskografskom kućom bila je, međutim, kratkotrajna i nakon još jednog singla napustila je izdavačku kuću.1969. godine slučajno je upoznala producenta Petera Schekeryka, a nakon užurbano dogovorene audicije, on je preuzeo brigu o njezinoj karijeri. Njezin prvi album, Born to Be, snimio je i objavio Buddah kasnije iste godine. 16. kolovoza Melanie je izašla na pozornicu na Woodstock Music & Art Festivalu u Betelu, New York; njezina pjesma "Birthday of the Sun" objavljena je kasnije na albumu Woodstock 2, a 20 godina kasnije objavljena je i na videu u sklopu Woodstocka: The Lost Performances, zajedno s djelima Janis Joplin, Crosby, Stills & Nash i Who.Ubrzo nakon toga, izrezala je svoj drugi album, S ljubavlju, koji je prošao nešto bolje od njenog prvog; međutim, njezin komercijalni proboj dogodio se 11 mjeseci nakon Woodstocka, kada je objavila pjesmu "Lay Down (Candles in the Rain)", snimljenu s Edwin Hawkins Singers. Pjesma, napisana kao počast publici na Woodstocku i prikazujući osjećaj evanđeoske himne, popela se na šesto mjesto američkih ljestvica, dok je prateći LP, pod nazivom Candles in the Rain, stigao do Top 20.Nakon ostataka vina iz 1970-ih, live albuma snimljenog na koncertu u Carnegie Hallu, izdala je tužnu verziju "Ruby Tuesday" grupe Rolling Stones. U siječnju 1971. godine, Melanieina vlastita verzija "Što su učinili s mojom pjesmom, Ma", nedavnog razbijanja novih tragača, dospjela je na 39. mjesto u Britaniji, gdje se pojavila kao glavna zvijezda. U ožujku je, međutim, njezino novo izdanje, The Good Book, doseglo američku ljestvicu na samo 80. mjestu, unatoč postojanju nekoliko impresivnih pjesama, među kojima i opsjednuto lijepa naslovnica proročke, prokletom samohvalne pjesme Phila Ochsa "Akordi slave".Krajem 1980-ih ponovno se pojavila sa svojom tematskom glazbom za popularnu televizijsku seriju Ljepotica i zvijer. U to su vrijeme Woodstock nostalgiju počeli poticati mediji i promotori koncerata, a Melanie se pojavila na jednom od događaja 20. obljetnice. Nastavila je povremeno nastupati u klubovima u Sjedinjenim Državama i na većim festivalima u Europi, gdje ju je povezanost sa 1960-ima učinila velikim izvlačenjem, a svako toliko izdavala je album novih pjesama ili ponovnih snimaka svojih klasičnih brojeva.///+/////++///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,DVD..,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!

četvrtak, 24. rujna 2020.

Fra Mario Knezović/+5 Loša Koordinacija///+

Fra Mario Knezović/+5 Loša Koordinacija///+

srijeda, 23. rujna 2020.

Fra Mario Knezović 10 Obožavanje Nadređenih///

Fra Mario Knezović 10 Obožavanje Nadređenih///+

utorak, 22. rujna 2020.

Glass Harp It Makes Me Glad 1972 ///+

Glass Harp It Makes Me Glad 1972 ///+Format:

Vinyl, LP, Album
Religious, Psychedelic Rock, Prog Rock///+TracklistHide Credits
A1 See Saw
Written-By – D. Pecchio*
A2 Sailing On A River
Written-By – J. Sferra*
A3 La De Da
Written-By – D. Pecchio*
A4 Colt
Written-By – J. Sferra*
A5 Sea And You
Written-By – J. Sferra*
B1 David & Goliath (Instrumental)
Written-By – P. Keaggy*
B2 I'm Going Home
Written-By – P. Keaggy*
B3 Do Lord
Arranged By – G.H.*
Written-By – D. Pecchio*, J. Sferra*, P. Keaggy*
B4 Song In The Air
Written-By – P. Keaggy*
B5 Let's Live Together
Written-By – D. Pecchio*, J. Sferra*, P. Keaggy*
///+Arranged By, Instruments, Vocals – Glass Harp
Bass, Flute, Piano – Dan Pecchio*
Design [Album Design] – Marge Walsh
Drums, Acoustic Guitar – John Sferra
Engineer [Assistant] – Dick Shapiro
Lead Guitar, Acoustic Guitar – Phil Keaggy
Photography By – Anastasia Pantsios
Producer – Lewis Merenstein
Producer [Associate] – Ralph Moss///+///+ I have no words, as I do not own the copyright for this wonderful music album,if society and administration consider that I am a copyright violator I will delete it and remove it, from my channel, my deep respect and great thanks!!!

Taking up my "cross" means a life voluntarily surrendered to G...

looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

-~Hebrews 12:2~

Rose Saint Heavenly Place on Watch

Rose Saint Heavenly Place on Watch


FOREIGNER COLD AS ICE 2019 TOUR HIGH DEF!///+:(October 15, 2018) - FOREIGNER, the band behind “I Want To Know What Love Is,” “Cold As Ice,” “Juke Box Hero,” and so many others of rock’s most enduring anthems, announces the Winter 2019 Cold As Ice tour. The legendary rock band will heat up the cold Canadian nights with a series of “hot blooded” tour dates. The perfect holiday gift for your favorite music lover, this tour comes on the heels of the Toronto world-premiere of the new musical, “Juke Box Hero” at the iconic Ed Mirvish Theatre. Foreigner’s 18-city tour launches in Vancouver, BC on February 22nd and rocks across Canada as the band - Mick Jones (lead guitar), Kelly Hansen (lead vocals), Tom Gimbel (rhythm guitar, sax, vocals), Jeff Pilson (bass, vocals), Michael Bluestein (keyboards), Bruce Watson (guitar) and Chris Frazier (drums) – bring FOREIGNER’s arsenal of hits to Canada. Excitement is building around the upcoming premiere of Juke Box Hero, the Musical in Toronto on February 21 – 24th at The Ed Mirvish Theatre following a series of sold-out workshops in Alberta and Calgary this past summer. Written by the prolific writing duo, Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, responsible for The Commitments movie and the Tracey Ullman TV show, the show features many of FOREIGNER‘s 16 iconic Top 30 hits.I never could have imagined when I set out to create Foreigner more than forty years ago, that we’d still be touring around the world and performing the music we love,” says founding member and lead guitarist Mick Jones. “I had so many great times with Foreigner in Canada and I’m thrilled that now Canada will see the premiere of our brand new musical, Juke Box Hero, and that we’ll bring our music across the country with the Cold As Ice tour.” ///+Foreigner///+Foreigner je britansko američki hard rock sastav, kojeg su 1976. godine osnovali glazbenici Mick Jones i biviš član King Crimsona, Ian McDonald zajedno s tada nepoznatim pjevačem Louijem Grammom (Louis Grammatico). Najveći uspjeh postigli su 1970-ih do sredine 1980-ih godina, a do 2005. godine prodali su preko 50 milijuna ploča diljem svijeta.///+///++I have no copyright or copyright for this album, unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!/

ponedjeljak, 21. rujna 2020.

Papa Franjo je u zadnji tren spasio Međugorje///+

Papa Franjo je u zadnji tren spasio Međugorje///+PREUZETO SA,Darko Pavičić u emisiji Agape govori o brojnim aktualnostima o kojima se malo ili nikako može čuti u drugim medijima. Teme su bile "vruće": biskupi, snalaženje Crkve u koroni, medijske laži, Međugorje, neke afere, uloga stožera u koroni...///+PREUZETO SA ,

Radiopostaje,+ Mir Međugorje, emisija Agape.///+Fra Mario Knezović

Fra Mario Knezović Ubijaju Božje Glasnike///+

Fra Mario Knezović Ubijaju Božje Glasnike///+

nedjelja, 20. rujna 2020.


NIJE ELITA KRIVA VEĆ IZVRŠIOCI NJIHOVIH NAREĐENJA Mark Passio///+IT'S NOT THE ELITE'S FAULT, IT'S THE EXECUTORS OF THEIR ORDERS, Mark Passio.Trebamo znanje o stvarnom neprijatelju i službi istini, a ne službi bilo kojem pojedincu osim istini i načelima. Trebamo hrabrost i upornost i praktične vještine. Pravi neprijatelj su uspavane mase.We need knowledge of the real enemy and service of truth, not the service of any individual other than truth and principles. We need courage and perseverance and practical skills. The real enemy is the sleeping masses.

Jesse Cook /+One Night at the Metropolis 2007///+

Jesse Cook - One Night at the Metropolis - 2007 -///+Jesse Arnaud Cook is a Canadian guitarist. He is a Juno Award winner, Acoustic Guitar Player's Choice Award silver winner in the Flamenco Category, and a three-time winner of the Canadian Smooth Jazz award for Guitarist of the Year. He has recorded on the EMI, E1 Music and Narada labels and has sold over 1.5 million records worldwide.Life and career

Born to photographer and filmmaker John Cook and television director and producer Heather Cook, and nephew to artist Arnaud Maggs, Jesse Cook spent the first few years of his life moving between Paris, Southern France and Barcelona.[citation needed]After his parents separated, Cook and his sister accompanied his mother to her birth country, Canada, where he took lessons at Toronto's Eli Kassner Guitar Academy, and eventually studied under Kassner.[citation needed] While Cook was still a teenager, his father retired to the French city of Arles in the Camargue where his neighbor was Nicolas Reyes, lead singer of the flamenco group the Gipsy Kings. During frequent visits to Arles, Jesse Cook became increasingly fascinated by the "Camargue sound", the rhythmic, flamenco-rumba approach that could be heard on many corners and cafés in the "gipsy barrio".Back at home, he continued his studies in classical and jazz guitar at Canada's Royal Conservatory of Music, York University, and Berklee College of Music in the United States. He has often quipped that he later attempted to unlearn it all while immersing himself in the oral traditions of gypsy music...,After the independent 1995 release in Canada of his debut album, Tempest, he played at the 1995 Catalina Jazz Festival; shortly afterwards, Tempest entered the American Billboard charts at No. 14.Cook has recorded ten studio albums, five live DVDs and has traveled the world exploring musical traditions that he has blended into his style of rumba flamenco.

In 1998, Cook was nominated for a Juno Award as Instrumental Artist of the Year.[6] In 2001, he received a Juno Nomination for Best Male Artist. In 2001, Cook won a Juno Award in the Best Instrumental Album category for Free Fall. In 2009, he was Acoustic Guitar's Player's Choice Award silver winner in the Flamenco category (gold went to Paco de Lucia).[4] He is a three-time winner of the Canadian Smooth Jazz award for Guitarist of the Year[1] and numerous other awards.

In 2011, Cook began filming, directing, and editing his own music videos with the release of Virtue. He has since directed, filmed, and edited eight music videos, 16 episodes of Friday Night Music, and produced, edited, and mixed the PBS Concert Special Jesse Cook, Beyond Borders.

Cook has said of his music: "If you go to Spain and you play [my] music, they’ll say, what is this? They don’t recognize it as Flamenco because it’s not, it’s a hybrid. I love Flamenco, but I also love world music, jazz, pop, Brazilian Samba, and Persian music...!!Concert held in 2007 in Montreal by Jesse Cook - an exceptional guitarist, born in Paris, of Canadian parents, with over 1,500,000 CDs sold worldwide. I hope you appreciate the quality of the music and the virtuosity of the artists.....///+!!!/+///++/+///+///++I have no copyright or copyright for this album,'DVD+ unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!/

Guitarist: Jesse Cook

Also attended (guests):

Ron Sexsmith
Sophie Milman
Melissa McClelland
Samba Squad

Song order:

4-Cafe Mocha
5-Luna Llena
7-Closer To Madness
8-It Aint Me Babe
9-Matisse the Cat
12-Querido Amigo
13-Qadukka l Mayyas
14-Dance of Spring
15-Mario Takes A Walk
17-Baghdad (reprise)
18-Fall At Your Feet

Have a nice look!///+Koncert koji je 2007. u Montrealu održao Jesse Cook - izuzetan gitarist, rođen u Parizu, kanadskih roditelja, s preko 1.500.000 CD-ova prodanih diljem svijeta. Nadam se da cijenite kvalitetu glazbe i virtuoznost umjetnika.

Gitarist: Jesse Cook

Također posjećeno (gosti):

Ron Sexsmith
Sophie Milman
Melissa McClelland
Samba odred

Redoslijed pjesama:

2-zvečka i izgorjeti
4-Cafe Mocha
5-Luna Llena
7-Bliže Ludilu
8-It Aint Me Babe
9-Matisse mačka
12-Querido Amigo
13-Qadukka l Mayyas
14-Ples proljeća
15-Mario uzima šetnju
17-Bagdad (reprise)
18-Fall At Your Feet

Lijepo pogledaj!

Fra Mario Knezović 7 Suparništvo i Umišljenost///+

Fra Mario Knezović 7 Suparništvo i Umišljenost///+

Vashti Bunyan Lookaftering 2005, Full Album///

Vashti Bunyan Lookaftering 2005, Full Album///+Vashti Bunyan ‎– Lookaftering/+Format:

Vinyl, LP, Album
Folk, World, & Country
Folk///+TracklistHide Credits
A1 Lately
Oboe – Rebecca Wood
Organ [Hammond] – Max Richter
Strings – Frances Dewar, Ian Burdge, John Metcalfe, Louisa Fuller
A2 Here Before
Featuring [Glasses Of Wine] – Max Richter
Glockenspiel – Max Richter
Glockenspiel [Backwards] – Max Richter
Harmonium – Adem (2)
A3 Wayward
Acoustic Guitar [Steel] – Devendra Banhart
Autoharp – Adem (2)
Electric Guitar – Kevin Barker, Otto Hauser
Organ [Hammond] – Max Richter
A4 Hidden
Recorder – Max Richter
A5 Against The Sky
Featuring [Glasses Of Wine] – Max Richter
Harp – Joanna Newsom
A6 Turning Backs
Dulcimer [Hammer Dulcimer] – Adam Pierce
English Horn – Rebecca Wood
Trumpet – Robert Kirby
B1 If I Were
Electric Piano [Fender Rhodes] – Max Richter
Featuring [Pneumonium] – Max Richter
Guitar – Marcelo De Oliviera
Harp – Joanna Newsom
B2 Same But Different
Recorder – Max Richter
Strings – Fiona Brice, Frances Dewar, Gillon Cameron, Ian Burdge, John Metcalfe, Louisa Fuller
Vibraphone – Max Richter
B3 Brother
B4 Feet Of Clay
French Horn – Robert Kirby
Oboe – Rebecca Wood
Strings – Frances Dewar, Ian Burdge, John Metcalfe, Louisa Fuller
B5 Wayward Hum
Glockenspiel – Max Richter///'+
Arranged By [Co-arranged By] – Max Richter, Vashti Bunyan
Cover [From A Painting By] – Whyn Lewis
Design, Layout – DLT (3)
Engineer – Anna Tjan, David Paterson*, Dave Gray*, Philip Bagenal
Guitar, Vocals – VB*
Mastered By – Mandy Parnell
Producer – Max Richter
Written-By [All Songs By] – Vashti Bunyan///+
///++I have no copyright or copyright for this album, unless the administration,you tube considers that I have violated the copyright will be deleted and removed from my channel, my respect and thank you!!!

subota, 19. rujna 2020.

Fra Mario Knezović 6 Duhovni Alzheimer Zaborav///+

Fra Mario Knezović 4 Pretjerano Planiranje///+Dr. sc. fra Mario Knezović rođen je 1973. u Posušju, selo Broćanac, zaselak Širića Brig, kao deveto dijete u obitelji Ljube i Zore r. Grubišić. Osnovnu školu pohađao je u Broćancu i Vraniću. Jedan razred srednje škole pohađao je na Širokome Brijegu. Sjemenište s klasičnom gimnazijom od 1989. do 1993. pohađao je u Dubrovniku, Visokome i Sinju. U Franjevački red stupio je 1993. na Humcu. Fakultetsko obrazovanje, diplomsko i poslijediplomsko pohađao je na Sveučilištima u Zagrebu i Mostaru. Osim teologije i filozofije uže znanstveno područje studiranja mu je novinarstvo, političke znanosti i komunikologija. Doktorsku disertaciju je obranio 2018. s titulom doktora znanosti iz područja informacijsko-komunikacijskih znanosti i odnosa s javnošću. Boraveći kao student u Zagrebu, bio je jedan od osnivača Zavičajnoga kuba hercegovačkih studenata te je potaknuo izdavanje studentskoga časopisa »Moj kamen« i bio prvi njegov urednik. Za đakona je zaređen 1999. godine u Detroitu - Trpy (SAD). Godinu đakonata proveo je u New Yorku. Za svećenika je zaređen 2000. u Chicagu (SAD). Nakon Mlade mise, koju je proslavio 2000. godine, djelovao je u župi i samostanu sv. Petra i Pavla u Mostaru i kao vjeroučitelj u Srednjoj medicinskoj školi u Mostaru. Od 2000. do 2004. bio je tajnik Konferencije viših redovničkih poglavara Bosne i Hercegovine. Ravnateljem Informativnoga centra Mir Međugorje i glavnim urednikom Radijske postaje Mir Međugorje postaje 2001. godine. U toj službi ostaje do 2005. godine. Od 2005. do 2013. bio je župni vikar, voditelj Frame i srednjoškolski vjeroučitelj u Posušju. Kao autor i suautor sudjeluje u nekoliko knjiga, produkcijskih i multimedijalnih uradaka. Piše u nekoliko časopisa, te je suradnik više medija u Domovini i svijetu. Njegova knjiga pod naslovom „Nisam šutio – otvoreno o Crkvi, politici i društvenim događanjima“ budi poseban interes. Trenutno je na službi župnika u Kočerinu. Usto, uređuje i vodi neke emisije na Radijskoj postaji Mir Međugorje, suradnik je vjerskoga programa Naše TV, kolumnist Naših ognjišta, Glasnika mira i Povremeno održava seminare, predavanja i duhovne obnove u Domovini i po svijetu. Od priznanja koja je dobio nadraži mu je „Zlatni grb Posušja“ koji je dobio „kao prorok u svom zavičaju“ od Općine Posušje. Djelovanje mu se može pratiti putem mrežne stranice