subota, 13. srpnja 2024.

Spoznaja Zivljenja,I Nase Pameti!!Ladislav&Z..Canada!!

25. veljača 2013 u 19:40
Što više stvari saznajemo, sve više smo svjesni činjenice da su naši sistemi neadekvatni, da određene podatke ne možemo nikako uklopiti u sistem, pa onda imamo izbor ili da ih odbacimo kao krive ili da se s druge strane upitamo o svrsishodnosti i vrijednosti našeg sistema: logička istina, osobni stavovi...
Iskustvo je raskorak. Svjest ne može prihvatiti tvrdnju da češ dobiti ako izgubiš, da se odrekneš samovažnosti.
Kad živiš sebe nema mjesta za simptome. Nesretan si kada želiš biti nešto drugo, gubiš energiju na nešto što nisi, ne možeš biti, a ne koristiš za ono što jesi.
Žohar je žohar i ostaje žohar...može hodati po žici, farbati noge u zlatno, može se adaptirati idealno mimikrijomi biti najvještiji žohar, žohar ostaje žohar!!Preuzeti odgovornost za sebe: svoj način, strah, rad i bol, lakše je nego upuštati se u to, cijena je velika jer treba priznati da postoje jači i sposobniji i kao da jedan dio tebe nikad nije ni živio..Napisao Ladislav&Z..Sherbrooke_Canada!!
Cockroach Cockroach Cockroach and remains ... to walk a tightrope, feet in golden paint later, it can be adapted ideally be skilled mimikrijomi cockroach, the cockroach remains a cockroach!
The more things we learn, the more we are aware of the fact that our systems are inadequate, that certain information we can not fit into the system, then we have a choice or to dismiss it as wrong or that
On the other hand we ask about the purpose and value of our system of logical truth, personal views ...
Cockroach Cockroach Cockroach and remains ... to walk a tightrope, feet in golden paint later, it can be adapted ideally be skilled mimikrijomi cockroach, the cockroach remains a cockroach!
Experience is a discrepancy. Consciousness can not accept the argument that if you're going to get lost, to lose self-importance.
When you live yourself no room for the symptoms. You're unhappy when you want to be something else, waste energy on something you're not, you can not be, and do not use for yourself.Cockroach Cockroach Cockroach and remains ... to walk a tightrope, feet in golden paint later, it can be adapted ideally be skilled mimikrijomi cockroach, the cockroach remains a cockroach!!!Take responsibility for your own way, the fear, the work and the pain, it's easier than to indulge in it, the price is high because of the need to recognize that there are stronger and more capable as a part of you that never lived ..Ladislav &Z _Napisao!!+_SHERBROOKE_Canada!!
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